The Women In Business Radio Show
The Women In Business Radio Show
Shifting Into Your Second Business With Katrina Festorazzi

Shifting Into Your Second Business With Katrina Festorazzi

(Katrina is also the founder of Fast2Foto so she took her own photo!)

Things in business are shifting. Of course Covid has had a massive impact, however, there are always other forces influencing our business fortunes.

We're joined in the Studio today by Katrina Festorazzi, founder of Fast2Foto as she shares her story of surviving through lockdown, losing her studio and then shifting into a new business alongside her established media company.

Also in the studio with Sian are co-host Grace Kelly, chair of Women In Business for Mid Kent and herself a founder of 3 businesses! Join them for a fun session with some real insights into shifting to generate a new income and build resilience against those tough times. Grace shares her tips for keeping staff motivated and performing at their best.

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The Women In Business Radio Show
The Women In Business Radio Show
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