You have your first baby and return to work only to feel you’ve lost your identity as a person; your boss assumes you can’t handle tricky stuff because you’re a mother; you can’t turn to your family, so now what? Well, you write a book, of course!
Listen in (you can also follow along with the transcript using the tab at the top) to find out…
Some key objectives for publishing your book
Raise your expectations about why and how quickly it can happen with Helen’s inspiring story
Find out practicalities and tips around self-publishing
When Noelle Mapianda became a mother, she wasn't expecting to lose her mojo. She felt lost and disconnected after returning to her job after maternity leave. As part of her new journey, she published her book "Queen, Get Your Mojo Back." to help others and reestablish her identity.
Noelle shares her personal story alongside her practical experiences of self-publishing.
Helen Vandenberghe, founder of Published and Profitable, is also in the studio to share her professional insights as a business growth strategist who helps brilliant female coaches, consultants and experts to get visible, get leads and get clients.
A fascinating mix of guests makes for an insightful conversation to help any businesswoman considering publishing a book.
This episode was recorded live in our UK Studio and became a podcast for eternity. If you want to follow along or get references quickly, the transcript is in the tabs.
We would love your comments about your experiences or thoughts on the topic of this show. Also, if you have ideas about other subjects you would like us to cover, please use the comments to share.
Meet Our Guests
Helen Vandenburghe
Helen is a business growth strategist who helps brilliant female coaches, consultants, and experts get visible, get leads and get clients.
Helen is on a mission to help female coaches, consultants, and experts become best-selling authors and in-demand speakers and turn their wisdom into wealth.
Key Areas of Expertise
Client attraction marketing
Book publishing
Book Funnels
Rapid Business Growth
Helen’s Book Recommendations are:
Grit by Angela Duckworth
The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
The Lazy Mans Way To Riches by Jo Karbo (out of print)
How Does She Regain Focus and clarity and Stay Calm?
Play with the dog!
Phone a friend
What’s the business tip or advice followed that turned out to be rubbish?
Build it and they will come
How can you contact Helen?
Visit her website
Noelle Mapianda
"Noelle Mapianda is a wife, a mother of two beautiful children, Shalom and Yoan. She is a self published author of “Queen, Get Your Mojo Back”. With an academic background in chemistry, she has been a senior Analyst for a commercial crime services organisation in London for over 9 years.
However, on becoming a mother she started struggling with her sense of identity as a woman. She felt she had lost her work life balance and and therefore her Mojo!
When she returned to work after Shalom’s birth , she felt as if she had also lost her place and voice in the work place. So, she started investigating the topic and talking to other women to find out whether she was ‘normal’- and from that journey sprang, Queen, Get Your Mojo Back!
Now, her mission is to spread her message and support other women in the same situation. To help them to get their mojo back!
Key Areas of Expertise
Balancing work and motherhood;
Reclaiming self-identity in motherhood;
Regaining your voice in the workplace as a mother
Noelle’s Book Recommendations are:
Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter
Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz
How Does She Regain Focus and Clarity and Stay Calm?
Walking in the woods
What’s the business tip or advice followed that turned out to be rubbish?
Working hard pays
How can you contact Noelle?
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Meet our Hosts
Sian Murphy is the founder and host of the Women In Business Radio Show. Sian is also the creator of the in-person Women In Business Big Show. She is a writer and coaches businesswomen on how to do their own thing through their business. She works with clients, helping them to build confidence, find their path and understand the best tools for the job. To work with Sian or talk about being on the show, please book a 15-minute slot using her scheduler through this Schedule link
Her website is
Rachael Bryant
Rachael is the Create Disruptive Director of Your Video Team.
With over 10 years in the Photography and Videography world, she can bring an array of knowledge, having captured Live Events, Created Training and HR Videos and Multi-Platform Social Media content.
Find Rachael at her website
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