The Women In Business Radio Show
The Women In Business Radio Show
How to Take Your Life off Autopilot & Start Living on Purpose with Dr Ant

How to Take Your Life off Autopilot & Start Living on Purpose with Dr Ant

If you feel as though you're going round in circles, on a merry go-round and returning to the same old problems and patters over and over again, then this show is for you.

We're joined in the studio by mindset expert, speaker and author, Dr Ant.

In this fun show we explore the voice in your head and how you can start to become aware of the tricks your subconscious may be playing on you - and explore who is really running your life and business - is it you, or is it the limiting beliefs you've picked up?

Dr Ant shares a super simple technique for helping you stay calm, focused and grounded.

Also in the studio and taking part in the discussion is Helene Hall, founder of Earneco and WordPress specialist Mark Jennings - who is our visiting co-host for the day.

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The Women In Business Radio Show
The Women In Business Radio Show
Listen to the shows recorded live in our UK Studio, advert free for subscribers.